The little black chicken is doing fine but the mother chook is very protective and huffs up whenever I go out there and shoos her baby away so I can't get near it. She has had a go at me a couple of times when I have put food down for them. Silly thing!
The other chook is still sitting but I haven't seen any chickens and I am thinking that there won't be any now and I plan to clean out her nest and put her in the other pen this weekend.
I have had another chook, a Plymouth Rock coloured one go clucky so have put some fertile eggs under her.
I will need to wait 3 weeks to see how she goes.
The calf is frollicking around everywhere. The mother cow is looking fine. I am giving her extra hay.
The brown cow is still fat but no sign of a calf. I think she is just big and fat.
A few dramas with them all though as the black and white cow/calf got into the padock with the back neighbours animals. I'm pretty sure there is a bull or 2 in there...The next day all our cows were in there. The fence between the neighbours to our north and his back neighbough must be dodgy so when Hubby gets home I will get him to fix the gate between us and northside to keep our cows on our property.
Animals! Sometimes they are more work than they are worth.
Perfect day for a walk.
1 hour ago
Beaut to read that chick is doing fine. Those cows are all getting a bit sociable aren't they! Ha ha, yes, sounds like brown cow is just big and fat :D)