I'm trying to get a list of what fruit trees we have and when they fruit. This list is a work in progress and will be used as a record but is subject to change as we get more or I remember others...
2015. September.
I have just planted 2 plums and a mulberry.
I will need to do a walk around and a count to see what we now have.
As of August 2011 we have:
Apples x 10
Apricot x 2
Banana x quite a few.
Blueberry x 3
Boysenberry x 3
Fejoa x 5
Figs x 3
Grapes x 8
Indian Guava x 1
Lemon x 2
Loquat x 1
Mandarin x 2
Orange x 6
Passionfruit x 5
Peaches x 4 x grown from seed.
Pears x 2
Pepino x lots. grown by cuttings from main plant
Pineapple x 7. 2012, none!
Plum x 1
Strawberry. lots.
Strawberry Guava x 4
These trees mentioned above are in different areas of the yard but the list above makes it easy for me to see how many of what we have. They are spread as as below.
Dam Area.
Pears x 2 Packam...Winter Nellis
Grape x Red Globe.
Apple x Granny Smith, Sundowner, plus 2 other
South Chookpen
Orange x Navel...plus another.
Mandarin x 2 Clemitine...Imperial
Grape x Current?
Apples x Granny Smith ...Pink Lady...2 others
Strawberry Guava.
North Chookpen
Lemon. Bush...Eureka
Fig x 2. Adriatic?
Fejoa x 5.
Pineapple x 3
Peach seedling Unknown.
Isa Pen
Grape Lady Finger?... Rybia?
Food Orchard
Boysenberry x 2
Mixed Breed Pen
Apple x 2 Ballerina
Peach. 2 seedling, unknown variety.
Fig, unknown variety.
Chicken Pens.
3 Strawberry Guava.
Other around the yard
Orange x 4 2x Washington ...Late Lane Valencia...
Pineapple x 5
Pepina x lots.
Peach, unknown.
Passionfruit x 5
Grapes x 2 Sultana.
Unknown seedlings Peach? Apricot?
We Want To Get...
Custard Apple
Babaco. Got one in 2012.
Whats Ripe When.
I will try and remember to write down when each tree is fruiting as I never remember when I will be eating what...And of course, I didn't remember to.
May. 2011 June. Apples.
July. 2011 Oranges. Mandarin. Bananas.
August. 2011 Oranges, Mandarin,
September. 2011 ???
October. 2011. Strawberries. Oranges.
2012. Strawberries. Oranges. Loquats
November 2011 Loquats
December. 2011 Apricots.
Perfect day for a walk.
1 hour ago