I few years ago I planted a Pineapple top. I had it in a 1/2 x 44gallon drum and it was growing OK but didn't look like it would fruit anytime soon. Where I had it was in the way and the leaves on it are prickly so Hubby shifted the pot into the orchard. And I forgot about it for a few months. Eventually I checked it out and noticed that it had a couple of smaller plants growing from it's base.
It took awhile but I finally got around to digging these out and left them in a bucket, I was going to plant them but *forgot* As I do.
Fast forward a few weeks and I thought that I better get out there and plant the babies and guess what? Yep! The big plant has a pineapple coming out the top.
So it's seems like it is good to neglect things as when
they think that they are going to die they try to reproduce.
I have planted out the 2 small Pineapple plants and I have given the big one a decent drink and put some mulch around it as the chooks have been digging around it's base, and they all look good.
I now need to wait and see if the Pineapple makes it to maturity so we can eat it. I will need to look up how long it takes for the fruit to get ripe. I have heard that they should be picked during Summer as the fruit is sweeter then but I don't want to wait until next summer and it looks too small to be ready by this one.
Does anyone know how long I may need to wait? I will do some reading up about them this afternoon.
Look out for the Red Arrows
3 hours ago
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