What would you do?
I chose to go shopping and he did get a couple of pairs of new shorts that fit, they still had tags on them. He also got 8 or 9 pairs that fit but are not new and a couple that are slightly loose. And 2 shirts. And I got myself a top as well. All for $6. Yep, $6 and he has enough shorts that fit to last him a couple of years.
How did I manage that? I went down to one of our local op-shops for a look and came home with a full shopping bag of clothes. This op-shop sells bags of clothes for $6. I need to find him some more shirts for work but am sure that I will come across some, somewhere, sometime...Probably next time I look in this shop.
I love op-shops. We rarely buy new outer clothes from a regular shop, we do buy our undies new but they must be on special. I know people who wont buy or wear second hand clothing. They say that you never know where it came from, who wore it before you, it smells...all sorts of reasons. I reckon the money saved is better off in my money tin and not the till of some big multinational shop. I like the thought that I am helping out some charities with my buying clothes this way. And nothing is new after the first wearing and wash anyway so why not. It isn't just about saving money though, it is about saving the world, 1 pair of shorts at a time.
Next year I am going to try to remember to review some of the op-shops and markets that I go to, it might interest some of you, it might not...It might not even happen but I hope it does as op-shopping and finding bargins is something that I like doing. It is much more fun than buying and putting in elastic!