Thursday, June 28, 2018

I Got Lazy.

Two more days and it will be July.  That is half a year gone already and so far I have achieved precisely nothing in the backyard.   I was picking capsicum and had heaps ready to pick but someone left a gate open.  Again.

So since the sheep got into the backyard I don't have anything growing, nothing to pick anyway though the capsicum stalks that they ate all the leaves and fruit off may grow leaves back.  Though it's been a few weeks now and they haven't yet.
And I say nothing but mean vegies.  I have no vegies to eat.  We do have oranges falling off the trees and there are a few chokos left on the vine but apart from that, nothing.

Husband has cabbages and caulies though so I will eat those when they are ready.  Luckily I found the sheep before they had time to find those too or he might have been a bit cranky.  He has set up his own garden beds towards the front of the yard as he was sick of *my* gardens being over run with grass and weeds.  And his do look good and they were the only ones that fed us with cucumbers and tomatoes during Summer.  Mind you, he does get out there and spend time working on them too, so maybe that is what I have to do.   But, if I did have a fantastic vegie crop and the sheep ate it all I would have been a lot more upset with them and the person (me!) that left the gate open. 

I am getting lazy, should say got, I have gotten lazy and it is much easier to go down the shop and buy stuff.  I don't like not being able to go outside and pick what I want but evidently not enough to get out there and do something about it!

But I will, when it starts to get warmer and not so wet.  Until then, I will be lazy.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can get out with him and both of you can work on your ratty gardens and have more food. You used to be so ambitious! I think volunteering at the shop and buying has been the ruination of you! lol At least you are posting.
