And just like that we are halfway through the year and onto the second day of June and at the start of Winter. It's going to be a nice day here, cool but no rain, which is just as well seeing as tiff and I need to visit other daughter and I need to entertain 2 little kids, one that doesn't want much to do with me, for an hour or so. Without their mum so that will be fun! I plan on putting her in the pram and walking so if nothing else it will give me a decent walk to add to the Fitter By Friday blog. Multi tasking at it's best, if it works out right.
I haven't been doing much, Vinnies has been closed since the 24th March so I have been home most days for 6 weeks...and still have nothing to show for it. Husband has also been home and while he has done a bit outside and he has gardens up and stuff growing, me, not so much. Even the choko vines that always have heaps of fruit and lovely green vines this time of year are not doing much. I wonder why but not that interested in researching the reason.
Husband has had a few shifts of work since the Pandemic shut everything down, then when he could have had a few more days work he hurt his back so has been layed up for close on 4 weeks. He has been moving a bit over the last week and yesterday we went for a drive to see how the back was with sitting and driving. Seems OK so maybe he can get back to work next fortnight.
Our Vinnies may be able to open towards the end of June so myself and a few volunteers have the go ahead to go down to the shop and get donations sorted and the shop clean and organised. A massive job as even though we had signs up asking for NO donations we ended up with hundreds of bags that now need sorting through. We started last week and will go in for a few hours a couple of times a week over the next few weeks in the hope we can get the shop ready to reopen. And now my alarm has gone off and I haven't even done half of what I wanted to before we leave for Boyanup, better get a move on...The washing machine is beeping at me to hurry up...
Wednesday--Bed for Me
15 hours ago